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FAQs to help donors using the RoundUp App
FAQs to help donors using the RoundUp App
FAQs to help donors using the RoundUp App
General FAQs
FAQs to help donors using the RoundUp App
General FAQs
RoundUp App has a $5 per month, per nonprofit minimum donation for donors giving monthly via rounding up or giving a set amount.
RoundUp App released a new donor app Fall 2021 that required all new donors to donate a minimum of $5 per month.
February 2022, we updated all existing donor accounts to also have a minimum donation of $5.
There are a few reasons we made this change:
First, we know that $5 a month is a standard and effective starting point for nonprofits bringing on new donors. It gives donors a great way to contribute without feeling huge financial stress and when donors are happier, they’re more likely to contribute.
Second, we know that donations under $5 can cost organizations more in fees and we make it our mission to ensure all nonprofits are getting the absolute most they can by bringing their donors into RoundUp App.
We notified nonprofits and donors of the coming change with dedicated emails and reminders in the admin newsletter, with a dedicated email including instructions to nonprofits to help them get donors to update their accounts before the change happened.
Donors, nonprofits, and eCommerce merchants all have dashboards to log into!
Donors can visit their accounts by opening a downloaded app (Android or iPhone) or by visiting the website. Donors can use an email address and password or use Google or Apple Sign In! Donors can also retrieve a lost password by clicking on “Forgot password?”.
If you’ve lost access to the email address you used to create your account and need help accessing an account, you can email our support team for help.
Nonprofits can sign in to their admin portal via our website. The nonprofit admin portal is not available via an app and is best viewed on a computer screen because there are downloadable donor and donation reports available, as well as marketing assets in the marketing library. If you’ve forgotten your email address, you can request a reset here.
eCommerce Merchants
If you have an eCommerce store with a RoundUp App merchant account, you can sign in here. The merchant portal is also best viewed on a computer screen. If you forgot your password, you can request a reset here.
We’re here live to chat with you Monday – Friday 9am-5pm, or you can email us or send us a note via our forms or send us a DM via Slack! We’re also open to DMs, meetings and phone calls!
Chat with us on our website
Look for the blue chat icon on the bottom right of roundupapp.com. You can also leave your email and our team will reach out!
Email or Call
Reach your account manager directly. If you don’t know who your account manager is you can contact our support team at support@roundupapp.com.
Contact Us Form
Send us a message on our website by filling out the form on our Contact page (roundupapp.com/contact/).
Join Us on Slack
We have a Slack workstation available for nonprofits – you can chat to other nonprofit admins or send us direct messages. We’ll periodically share product and company news here, too!
Send Us a DM via Social
Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter where we’ll share periodic updates. We’ll also respond to direct messages and comments on all of our channels!
We have a monthly platform fee for nonprofit clients and we charge a processing fee for donations processed via RoundUp at Checkout.
Similar to many nonprofits, RoundUp App is a team made up of determined individuals wearing many hats each to try to create a simple, fun way for people to donate to their favorite nonprofits and causes. We have to keep our proverbial lights on, however, so we have pricing plans we think should work for most nonprofits:
It is always free to signup for a nonprofit account and take a look at the nonprofit admin portal. The fees only begin when we start processing donations.
Rounding up everyday transactions makes charitable giving affordable for every budget, but if you want to be sure you understand the process, read on!
RoundUp App requires a funding source from donors (usually a credit or debit card) and a bank account for “RoundUp” transactions. The bank integration provides us with “read-only” access to the linked account that allows us to calculate the RoundUps.
If a donor does not want to link a bank account, the donor can donate to their chosen nonprofits one-time or monthly. Donors can make a one-time gift of $1, $5, $10, $25 or a custom amount at any time via the app since your donation source is saved in the donor account.
On the app, donors can always view their current RoundUps and can always see how much they will donate that month. Donors can also set their personal preferences on the profile settings and set a monthly maximum as well as decide if they’d like to make whole dollar roundups on transactions that end in $.00
RoundUp App donations follow the same tax code as other types of donations.
RoundUp App will provide donors tax receipts for one-time donations, monthly for recurring donations, and a yearly summary in January. This is the extent of our donor recognition, so we encourage nonprofits to follow up with thank you notes or other acknowledgments specific to each individual organization.
Yearly tax receipts for 2021 were sent to donors in January of 2022.
RoundUp at Checkout donations from eCommerce companies are generally not tax-deductible, but matching donations are tax-deductible.
Please check with a tax professional for information specific to your tax filing though!
We connect donors and eCommerce merchants to nonprofits!
Any registered 501(c)3 organization with a bank account in the United States can receive donations via RoundUp App, including “fiscally sponsored” groups.
We hope to eventually expand to support international nonprofits, but we are only focused on organizations in the U.S. today.
If you don’t see your favorite nonprofit on our organization list, send us an email at support@roundupapp.com with the name of the organization or fill in the appropriate information here.
We welcome donations from anyone who would like to donate to any organizations on our platform.
Our eCommerce product, RoundUp at Checkout is available for companies who want to offer their customers a donation option at checkout on BigCommerce, WooCommerce or build your own using our API.
Our terms are available here, on the website, and via the platform/app.
Yes! Anyone can read our user agreement, platform agreement for nonprofits, and platform agreement for merchants before signing up to use RoundUp App. Our privacy policy is also available for review.
When planning your content calendar for the year, it’s important to think about any holidays, events, or special days happening throughout the year. Use this our 2022 Events and Holidays Calendar to keep track of events and holidays!
We are the nation’s leading “spare change” donation fundraising platform.
We want to make it easy and affordable for anyone to donate to any nonprofit!
We have a $15 monthly platform fee for registered nonprofits. Nonprofits can manage up to 75 monthly donors for that flat fee. After 75 donors, we move the organization to a 1% processing fee plan. In addition to our monthly fee, the organization will also have Stripe processing fees. Nonprofits are eligible for a 2.2% Stripe processing rate.
We don’t invoice or charge nonprofits for their platform or processing fees: we pay the fee before we distribute the donations.
We will soon offer donors the opportunity to cover the Stripe processing fee when they sign-up to donate.
If a donor selects a nonprofit to donate to that isn’t a current customer of RoundUp App, we will distribute their donation to their nonprofit via a grant check from our Donor Advised Fund (DAF). We collect a 15% processing fee from those donations.
eCommerce merchants can install our RoundUp at Checkout option for free. We charge an 8% processing fee when we distribute the donations to the nonprofit. There is also an additional Stripe fee for this distribution.
We offer custom enterprise plans for eCommerce merchants and nonprofits who have custom needs. Please contact us to find out more about our enterprise plans!
Donors can download our app and/or register for an account for free! Donors can donate to multiple organizations monthly or one-time.
We’re set up to help nonprofits get donations from donors and eCommerce merchants, so here are all the details about all the donation sources.
Donors can use credit or debit cards to pay for their donations.
RoundUp App works with most bank accounts. If a donor can’t find a bank’s information while setting up an account, please email us at support@roundupapp.com or use our chat support and we will try to help.
We are planning to add ACH and PayPal payments options in the near future.
Bank or credit card statements will show the nonprofit’s name if they are a RoundUp App client or you will see “RoundUp App” if you are donating to an organization that is not yet a client.
Donations are processed once per month, on the 15th of the month, and will be deposited directly into a nonprofit’s Stripe account, or sent to the nonprofit as a grant from our Donor Advised Fund (DAF) via a paper check. This deposit will typically appear within 2-5 business days of processing, between the 17th and 20th of the month.
We do not process donations as transactions occur because that would be inefficient as processing does require processing fees. We do track roundups as transactions appear and you can see them via the donor app. Donors can always set a monthly maximum to stay on budget and can pause or cancel accounts at any time. Donors can also update organizations, giving amounts, bank accounts, and credit card details via the app.
Tax receipts are issued immediately for one-time donations, monthly for monthly or roundup donations and yearly for a summary of all activity.
eCommerce companies who use RoundUp at Checkout will link their donation source during the sign-up process or work with the RoundUp App team to be invoiced for the donations. We process RoundUp at Checkout customer donations and matching funds within the last two weeks of every month.
We recommend eCommerce companies designate an ACH-eligible account from which to pay your donations. Ideally, this would be the same bank account attached to your checkout process.
Donations will appear as ACH’s to your chosen nonprofit once a month.
If you choose to match your roundups, a second ACH will appear on your account for your match.
Consumers give $1,000 in RoundUp donations and the eCommerce company matches $500. The eCommerce Merchant will see 2 ACH transactions at the end of the month out of the attached account and will receive a tax receipt for your match, $500.
RoundUp at Checkout customers shouldn’t show donations on profit/loss statements. Consumer-donated funds should be booked as a non-revenue, payable item on your balance sheet. This will prevent you from realizing a tax liability for the incremental revenue. You can’t take a tax deduction from these funds. Matching funds are tax-deductible.
Donations are non-refundable, so if a customer makes a return on a purchase or cancels an order, the eCommerce company should issue a refund of the transaction as is standard for your store, minus the donation.
Donations from donors are processed once per month, on the 15th of the month, and will be deposited directly into a nonprofit’s Stripe account or sent to the nonprofit as a grant from our Donor Advised Fund (DAF) via a paper check.
eCommerce Merchant processing for the RoundUp at Checkout product happens within the last two weeks of the month. Consumer donations will appear as one donation while any matching from the merchant will appear as a second donation to make it easier to determine tax-deductible donations.
Both donor and eCommerce Merchant donations will typically appear within 2-5 business days of processing.
You can see reports for donations from donors and RoundUp at Checkout clients on via your admin portal.
RoundUp App uses Stripe to process transactions and adheres to Stripe’s policy on restricted and prohibited businesses.
You can learn more about their policy on restricted and prohibited businesses here: